Wednesday, January 21, 2015

S&P México: Course Description

VS 185X Songs & Places: México
Spring Semester 2015 / 4 units
Thursdays 6-9:30pm / 170 Wurster
Anthony Dubovsky 

Listed in Course Schedule as
Visual Studies 185X: Special Topics: Word & Image (CCN 04253) 

Songs & Places. What are the connections between song and place—visual, musical, and beyond? How can we describe these connections—give them form--through paintings, drawings and related works involving the hand?

Music and place have long been intertwined—and the particulars of place have given rise to some of our most memorable songs. In the fall semester course we explore this question through the American roots song tradition. In this NEW spring semester course we continue the exploration, concentrating now on the folksongs of Mexico (el cancionero mexicano, the classical corrido/ranchera/bolero tradition) including songs recorded by Chavela Vargas, José Alfredo Jiménez, Agustín Lara, Guty Cárdenas, Jorge Negrete, Pedro Infante, Davíd Zaizar, Elvira Ríos, Las Jilguerillas, Cuco Sánchez, Lola Beltrán, Dueto Caleta, Los Alegres de Terán and more. We'll look closely at (and listen to) this material with an eye to the visual sources for the songs--and the ways in which they stem from--and reflect--Mexican culture. La Canción del Alma y el Alma de la Canción. The lyrics are all in Spanish, of course--and Spanish language comprehension  will be important for students in the class. A sub-theme will be the ways in which individuals today reflect (represent) this past--especially young people of Mexican ancestry "a este lado de la frontera." A persistent question might be: who were "los abuelitos de tus abuelitos..." and what would it mean to picture them? Place? Region? Family? Home? Caras y caretas...? We'll explore these themes in visual terms (by making paintings and drawings)--and by listening to--and singing--some of the songs... Readings will include Octavio Paz, El Laberinto de la Soldedad, and selections from Yolando Moreno Rivas,  amond others. A second sub-theme: how do Mexican folk traditions persisit today? All with a passing look, as time permits--and  by way of comparison--at something of the beautiful folclore tradition "del campo de Argentina" (for example, Atahualpa Yupanqui or Jorge Cafrune.)

Note that this is a seminar-with-projects—a course in which we look closely at the original connection between songs and places—and make images in response. The medium here is open—but the hand is emphasized throughout. We'll begin each week by listening to/looking at  a selection of songs and images. Studio projects follow (outside of class). We then reconvene the following week, to sing the songs, look at and discuss the work made by each person in the group. Followed by a new set of songs. Your guide to all this, Anthony Dubovsky is a painter who is also a professor in the Visual Studies Program in the CED. He takes a keen interest in these songs and the places and traditions they represent. The class will be a joint exploration, in Spanish as well as English.

Prerequisites? At least some studio art and music background. A firm grasp of Spanish is required, and genuine interest in the subject. Familiarity with Mexican/Latinoamerican culture(s) a plus. Class size will be limited to 15 students. Open to juniors, seniors, and graduate students with the necessary background.

Application procedures: Send me an email with the following: Your name. Where were you born? Where did you grow up? Your year (junior, senior, grad)? Your Major? Musical background? Art background? Spanish language background? Tell me about your interest in this class, and something of your family story. Include 2-4 jpegs of your artwork (identified with YOUR NAME on each jpeg) and send to Anthony Dubovsky at chambersstreet[at]  Applications are due by 15 January 2014; earlier applications will be given stronger consideration.

Painting: Anthony Dubovsky, La Guelaguetza, Oaxaca, 1935, acylic/cardboard, 6-3/4 x 6 inches

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